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Май 2004

Гастроли. Сеул. Южная Корея

Февраль 2005

В центральном журнале города Сеула - "Seoul". Вышла большая статья об артистах Театра Магии.

Extraordinary Happiness of Extraordinary Jobs.

 What is your preconception about the jobs or careers shared by foreigners residing in or visiting Seoul? Decades ago, foreign missionaries took the lion's share, some of them teaching English free to Korean students eager to learn the language. Now English conversation teachers or businessmen may first come to your mind. If you take a closer look at expat communities, you can find a variety of jobs exist. They range from magicians, dance teachers, cooks, to night-club singers, and hair designers, to name a few.

 SEOUL has interviewed some of the foreigners who have rarely-found jobs at every corner of Seoul and have pride in their own occupation.


 Popova Anastasia and Odintsov Andrey. A married magician couple from Russia. They met in a prestigious national art academy in Russia and fell in love with each other. They have performed magic shows everyday in the Magic Theater of Lotte World for about eight months.

 When they posed for the camera, it was as if something mysterious was about to happen. A single movement of tingers was fall of power strong enough to attract people.

 Anastasia (22) has performed various kinds of acrobatics      

and dances since she was five years old and began magic five years ago. She says a magician can give people a special moment of joy where they experience something mysterious happening in front of their eyes.

During free time, the doll-like pretty magician enjoys shopping in the Dongdaemun districts and her favorite Korean food is samgyeopsal [grilled pork]. Asked about other jobs she would have, she made an unexpected answer: to become a car mechanic. Though many regard a female car mechanic as unusual, the career is not that strange to her after growing up watch ing her father repairing cars. She seemed to

be a very popular celebrity in the magic theater, A lot of her audiences ask for her signature and take pictures with her.

  Her husband Andrey (25) started learning magic by himself from books and TV shows when he was six. And then he received lessons from a  tutor who taught him professional magic skills after he grew up. Usually in magic shows, some- j thing mysterious takes place in a blink of eyes on stage. However in order to become an adept magician, a person has to redouble efforts. So, he counted patience and diligence, as well as the  sense of guessing what audience wants, and charisma that can grab people's attention as required talents to become a good magician than anything else. Someday he wants to teach students in university as he majored in performing arts - not only magic but also theatrical plays, dances, mimes, stage directing and lighting.

  So far, they didn't make big mistakes on stage in Seoul. Even if they do, they assured they can go ' over the situation before the audience notice it. They did have sweating moments on stages in Russia. For example, an elastic string they used for the magic show was bounced into a dish of an audience in a hotel restaurant. Once a dove that was supposed to come back to them flew away. In order to prevent these kinds of mistakes the always practice from time to time. And they keep studying to develop new or revised types of magic. Korea is the first foreign country where they have performed, but they wish to go to Europe and other countries to show their magic and become a world-renowned magician duo.



Lotte World (www.lotteworld.com) if directly connected from Jamsil Station on Line 2. You can watch their magic shows at 1:30.p.m., 3 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 6 p.m.. and 8 p.m. everyday including holidays.

February 2005 SEOUL  17

В центральном журнале города Сеула - "Seoul". Вышла большая статья об иллюзионистах: Андрее Одинцове и Анастасии. (На английском языке).














"Lotte World" является крупнейшим парком развлечений в Азии. Талисманами парка являются два веселых енота Лотти и Лори - любимые в Корее мультипликационные герои. Здесь находят для себя развлечения все, от мала до велика. Хоть парк и считается крытым, но никого не оставят равнодушным обилие аттракционов и развлечений "Magic Island" (магический остров), открытой части парка. Посетив крытую часть "Lotte World" - "Adventure" (приключение), гости совершают путешествие по всем континентам земного шара и просторам вселенной. Здесь и африканские джунгли, и итальянские дворики, и завораживающие египетские пирамиды. Нельзя не отметить, что эта часть парка занесена в книгу рекордов Гинесса, как самый  большой крытый парк Мира. Немаловажной частью "Adventure", является "Magic Castle" (магический замок). Здесь демонстрируют свое мастерство иллюзионисты с разных концов света.

  С мая 2004 года нам представилась уникальная возможность удивлять детей и взрослых всего мира, на волшебной сцене замка.

С 05. 2004 по 05. 2005 г.Театр Магии находится на гастролях в г. Сеуле (Южная Корея). Нам предоставилась возможность удивлять публику, со всего мира, в одном из самых больших развлекательных парках мира, парке Lotte World.